With 33 years of experience working in St. Lucie Public Schools, Donnita Graben is the most qualified candidate for St. Lucie School Board to improve the quality of education, tighten up the budget, and make sure our children and teachers have what they need to be successful!
St. Lucie Election Day August 23rd
Vote Donnita Graben
Our parents deserve transparency, our tax payers deserve more for their money, and our children deserve the best education we can provide. We can do better for our parents and our children.Donate Here
ABOUT Donnita Graben
About Donnita Graben
I moved with my family in third grade to a then small and sleepy Port St. Lucie in the 1960's. I have enjoyed living in this community that has grown tremendously. Like most Port St. Lucie and St. Lucie County residents, I have embraced and enjoyed this growth and the opportunities and challenges we have embraced and enjoyed together. I married Niles, a St. Lucie County native from a family of teachers. I have a son, Noah, a high school band director, and daughter, Courtney, a graphic designer.My professional passion has been in the field of education, first working as a teenager in the St. Lucie public libraries and then 33 years as a teacher and media specialist in the St. Lucie County schools. I have been honored multiple times as a teacher of the year at my schools and once as the county teacher of the year. I have helped thousands of St. Lucie County students succeed academically as well as ensuring the academic success of my own son and daughter. With my experience as a teacher, I know what works.Vote August 23 for Donnita Graben and let's all succeed together in this wonderful community.

Donnita Graben is currently seeking the District 3 Seat for St. Lucie County School Board. She has been working in the St. Lucie Schools for over 33 years.
Donnita's Community Service and Experience
Served on the board of the “Friends of the St. Lucie County Library” Served on the board of the “Port St. Lucie Athletic Association (PSLAA)” Volunteer tutor for the “Learn to Read Program of SLC”
Volunteer for the Special Olympics
Volunteered at C.A. Moore Elementary School
Volunteer at Port St. Lucie High School
Volunteer cheerleading coach at PSLAA
Girl Scout den mother for 7yrs.
Band Booster for St. Anastasia and John Carroll
Sunday School teacher at Westside Baptist
Sea Scout Counselor
A Life Dedicated to St. Lucie Education
I Worked for the St. Lucie County Library System through high school and college. Was a Reading Teacher for Dan McCarty Middle School 6 years, and wrote a grant to fund school-wide all inclusive after school programs for tutoring, sport activities, arts, food with transportation home. The following year I included Southern Oaks Middle School in the program.
1995 St. Lucie County Teacher of the Year
In 1996 I Opened St. Lucie Elementary School as a Media Specialist through 2015
To keep the new school under budget, I bought a Closed-End Distribution System that operated though a phone system ensuring phones for each classroom. I also bought the 54 TV’s needed in the new school from a local business owner saving thousands of taxpayers dollars. I wrote a $150,000 matching reading grant and shared the program with Windmill Point Elementary.I hosted an annual Mock Trial using SLC sitting Judges, Prosecutors, and Lawyers for Law Week.
I sponsored the Student Council for 17yrs.
I sponsored the School Safety Patrol for 7 yrs.
I sponsored the School Student TV/Production Studio for 19 yrs. I hosted the monthly school wide PBS activities 10 yrs.
I hosted the science club during my lunch period.Media Specialist for Port St. Lucie High School - 2016-2021
Opened the media center before, after, and during lunch periods to give students the opportunity to utilize the media center.
Starting and operated a robotic club competing internationally
Starting a school wide Kindness Club
Top Priorities

Our parents deserve transparency, our tax payers deserve more for their money, and our children deserve the best education we can provide. We can do better for our parents and our children.Donate Here
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This website was paid for and approved by Donnita Graben, Candidate for St. Lucie County School Board District 3. All rights reserved.
Website created by A La Carte Promotions.